06 December, 2007

Make Lefties Take Seminar with Professor John F. Cat ‘O Nine

The elections draw nearer and the self-impressed herd of independent minds in the University’s employ begin their ritual expressions of support for one or another candidate of the Democratic Party. The Princetonian notes that professors have been donating money for months to ‘Democratic and Republican candidates’, but all five of the tenured cheerleaders whom they mention by name support either Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barak Hussein Osama.

I have always said that the quest for diversity is best left to butterfly collectors, but I must add my voice to the ever-growing chorus and say this leftist domination of the academy must stop. Young David Horowitz’ heroic campaign has elicited much whiny, womanish criticism, but I fault him only for not going far enough in his attack. In vain did I scour the pages of Tenured Radicals and the transcripts of Rabbi Horowitz’ speeches for a rousing call for the decisive public action that is surely in order. Fools sneer at the idea of legislating against corrupting the youth, but if it’s good enough for the noble men of the Athenian republic it is good enough for us. The penalty, however, need not be forced suicide, for history shows that these ‘intellectuals’ may seize the opportunity for egoistic speechifying. No, the experience of Singapore has demonstrated the admirable power of public whippings to reform and deter without making martyrs or decreasing government revenue.

But if we haven’t the guts to dispense with the chaff, we should at least increase the wheat. Princeton must take the lead in a reformation of the course offerings which will give the students prolonged contact with professors of exemplary, tough-minded manliness. Establishing mandatory courses in newly created departments of Military History, Military Strategy, Military Literature and Military Anecdotes would be a good first step.

The new spirit must be complemented by new rituals. Celebrations of etiolated abstractions like ‘community’ and ‘diversity’ must give way to stately parades commemorating American and Western achievements. In our day, when the Mohammedans have resumed their old struggle against us, the chief of these celebrations should be Sobieski Day, in which we remember the repulsion of the Turk from the very gates of Vienna.

It is worth noting here that ‘mainstream’ historians insist on describing Sobieski as a Roman Catholic Pole, ignoring the work of real scholars who show that 1) his Slavic ‘mother’ discovered him as a baby, floating in a basket amid the rushes of a river 2) late in life he was observed reading passages from the Bible, a sure sign of having cast off the Roman yoke. If these scholars’ explosive findings are to gain wide circulation the reformation of the academy must be pursued with urgency.

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